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canary island pine needle


January 25, 2023


Hansen Dam Golf Course

Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis) is a large evergreen conifer tree that is native to the Canary Islands.

CONDITIONS FOR GROWTH: The Canary Island pine prefers warm, dry climates and can grow in a range of soil types. It is often found growing in volcanic soils and can tolerate high levels of salt spray. The tree can grow up to 60 meters (197 feet) tall and is capable of growing in full sun or partial shade.
LIFECYCLE: The Canary Island pine has a long lifespan and can live for up to 800 years. It produces male and female cones that are wind-pollinated. The female cones can take up to three years to mature, and they release their seeds when exposed to high temperatures, such as during a wildfire.
SEED DISPERSAL: The seeds of the Canary Island pine are released from the cones and can be dispersed by wind or animals. The seeds are small and winged, which helps them to travel long distances.
APPLICATIONS: The wood of the Canary Island pine is used in construction and furniture making, as it is strong and durable. The tree is also planted as an ornamental tree in gardens and parks around the world. In addition, the Canary Island pine is used for erosion control in areas where the soil is unstable, and it is planted as a windbreak to protect crops and other trees. Finally, the tree is also used as a source of resin, which can be used for varnishes and other products.

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